The school food plan explained
The School Food Plan – This is a new legislation commencing the 1st January 2015 issued by the Department of Health working with the Childrens Food Trust. Under this legislation, the Government have stipulated that all children in primary and secondary schools in England must have the opportunity to have milk whilst in school on a daily basis.
All children on free school meals over the age of 5 must also be offered the milk free of charge. The funding for these FSM children will be covered either out of the school budgets or the pupil premium payment available to the schools.
Why not start a mid morning milk scheme?
Supplying milk through a ‘Healthy Tuck Shop’ is just one way of providing a mid-morning milk scheme, that can help with both providing a healthy drinking culture whilst raising extra funds for your school.
What is a health tuck shop?
A healthy tuck shop offers milk or water, fruit, breadstick or toast @ a standard price of approx.. 25p/30p per child offering nourishment and aids towards strong teeth and bones.
Who will operate it?
Use Year 6 Children as milk monitors (where applicable) to operate the scheme and collect money – this can be beneficial for educational reasons such as mathematics and child development/responsibility or parents/volunteers to collect the money on a weekly basis i.e. the Thursday before the following week. Weekly money collection has shown to get the best uptake of children and if adding a little on to cover costs, can help towards the school funds.
If any or none of the above suits your school, then we can operate a direct parent’s payment scheme with little involvement from the school. Whichever way suits your school, please get in touch with us and we would be happy to help you.
If you need anything further, please feel free to get-in-touch using our on-line enquiry form.